Reighlyn :: One year

It only took me two months but I finally picked out my favorites and put them together for this post. Ahh just seeing all the colors in this makes me love them even more. For anyone that knows me knows that I am not a fan of rain, like at all. But I have to admit, it sure makes this photographer happy to see so much green everywhere. This spot has been one of my favorites lately for the desert-ish feel it normally has but I love this too. I was really surprised to get here and see that the dry creek bed wasn’t so dry. But Meg is a trooper and I told her it would be worth it once we got up there and sure enough it was. Wet shoes and all.

Reighlyn is such a sweet baby, whenever we’re around her she just hangs out. She’s happy and doesn’t fuss, I love that her and Carter are so close in age and I hope they’re friends forever. Here are all the ones I feel that totally captured her little personality. It’s my favorite when clients bring a prop or two to liven up our session. 

Girls are fun, I love you Reigh.