Reighlyn :: nine months


Reighlyn’s turn! Nine months old already baby girl. She is so calm, and always smiling. I mean, look at that face. Pure joy if you ask me.

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She gives the best serious face, I think it’s because of all of her beautiful features. Her big eyes! And that little dip of her chin is my favorite!




Landon :: six months


After spending almost a week with this little guy around I just knew his six month session was going to be a breeze. Such a smiley, happy little boy. He did not disappoint. Landon you are so lovable and I mostly just want to kiss your cheeks whenever I am with you. Before we know it you will be running around with all of the big kids, I am so excited to watch you grow. You are adored.lazar-2127 lazar-2134lazar-2131untitled-1  lazar-2148


Cadence :: two years old


Oh this little birthday session was so much fun. We discovered a little spot that is so close to home and so fun for the kids to run around and play, so it was wonderful. And this little girl was on her A-game. She was a little shy at first, but so good at listening and then towards the end she was running the show. But just as cute as she was from the start. Here is Miss Cadence and she is TWO.cadence-0553 cadence-0562 cadence-0570

I mean, those little legs. I could die.

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Such a fun session I had with her, and it is always one of my favorite times to be around her mommy. (Especially when I don’t stop talking at eight o’clock at night, ugh sorry again Stef!) See you soon!!


Palm Springs vacation

It seemed like a lot went into our vacation this year, a lot of back and forth. Some wanted Mexico (not I) and some wanted Hawaii (me always) and some wanted to stay more local without flying anywhere (completely fine with me). We were going to do a beach house but it can be pricey and let’s face it, the ocean is cold. (Especially when you’re used to Mexico and Hawaii water) So we decided on Palm Springs and I thought that was perfect. They found a giant house and we booked it. I do have to admit, up until we got there I thought despite how big the house was.. I would still be chomping at the bit wanting to get out mid-week. We had planned a water park trip for that very reason. But once we were there (minus day two of being a little homesick) I was completely fine and had no desire to even leave our poolside oasis. I don’t think anyone did. The house was massive, something like 9,000 square feet. So you could go to your own little part of the house and feel like you were in your very own hotel room. Each of us had our own bathroom for the most part, and there was two kitchens. It was so nice.

We all picked a night to cook dinner for everyone, which was such a good idea and saved us money and having to lug eight kids to a restaurant. We didn’t realize the water park is closed during the week (really?!) and debated whether or not to go. But a few of us finished off our week with a day there and I am really glad we did. So get ready for an overload of pictures, I tried really hard to have my camera always around. So I got tons.

On our way!


Oh it’s my favorite to look back and see baby toes!

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Some of you might recognize this look, it’s definitely a mischievous one. I wish I knew what he did here, and to who.


A few action shots.palm-springs-46 palm-springs-47 palm-springs-48

And then this.palm-springs-49palm-springs-52palm-springs-53palm-springs-54

Nice puppy.


Nice puppy.


Then there is these three. Goofs.palm-springs-65 palm-springs-64

Sometimes I think they hate me. I mean look at Grayson, I make him miserable because I ask for one picture.palm-springs-70

And this is what you call, swimming with your eyes open too much. This guys’ eyes were so bad by the end of each day, I brought his goggles but apparently he didn’t want to use them on this trip.palm-springs-72

This day was by far everyone’s favorite, not sure why it was any different but it was the best. The night was even better, it was our night for dinner. (I had stuck a couple of roasts in the crockpot for the day and we did shredded beef tacos, so yummy!) Rick & Mal’s family had to leave the following day so we wanted a group picture and I love how this turned out. We had been having a cornhole tournament (if you’ve never heard of it, you have to try it. It is so fun.) We were all questioning why in the world we waited so long to start playing! This was on Thursday night, and for the most part everyone was back home by Saturday. We have already planned a vacation reunion where we will pick up our tournament again, and this time Mal and I might just be grand champion. palm-springs-73

And the morning they left we had to get a group picture of the crazy kiddos, and it might be my favorite.. All of their different expressions crack me up.palm-springs-83b

Daddy decided to do Carter’s hair.


The last night we were there we decided to go out for dinner, I don’t know exactly where in Palm Springs this is but it was a cute little spot. This might have been the first time Grayson wore underwear all week, so we had to document it. Goodness gracious I have some handsome fellas.


Then finished up the week with a quick trip to the water park. We are thankful for a daddy that works so hard for us, but we miss him so much when he’s gone. Such a great week, and so needed for our family. (Carter, what is that look?! Not used to seeing such a straight face from that one)


I also did a quick video. I probably should have spent more time on it, buuuut I just don’t have it and I wanted to post these pictures already so enjoy a quick snippet of our fun week.









Ayva :: 15 months

ayva-0698ayva-0702 You might recognize this little princess, she is my niece Ayva. She turned one in July, which I of course can hardly believe. It feels like we were just in the delivery room watching this little miracle be born. She is the quietest toddler I’ve ever been around and is so dainty that sometimes I forget she’s even in the room. ayva-0705 ayva-0718 ayva-0734

My favorites of the family coming right up. ayva-0792 ayva-0797 ayva-0846

A baby doll I tell you.ayva-0855 ayva-0880 ayva-0884ayva-0883

Like I said, so quiet and serious. But then with eyes like hers, all she needs to do is look up at me like this and I melt.ayva-0888



Carter :: Monthly Achievements and nine month photos

Say it ain’t so, just say it ain’t so. NINE months now, I’m in denial. Mainly because his birthday is in three months and I haven’t even started planning his party! I have a general idea of what I am doing but that’s it. Very unlike me.

Nine months is a big one I think. Their personalities shine, and they learn to do something new almost everyday it seems like. He is now mobile, that is probably our biggest milestone. I totally get why they call it the army crawl, he really looks like a wounded soldier making his way around the house. He gets up on all fours all of the time but does not actually crawl that way. He has a famous yoga pose, and goes from tummy to sitting in three seconds flat. He has the cutest little wave and loves to clap his hands. He is still just the happiest guy around, and sometimes I squeeze him so hard I am scared I am going to hurt him. He had his first flight, first flight as in flying off the top of a bed. Traumatic for me because I saw the entire thing in slow motion. Thankfully all he got from it was a bump on the head because when I play it over in my mind, so much worse happens. He seems to love to be outside just like Grayson does. He’s pulled himself up to standing a couple of times, and still loves everything I feed him. 9-months

I had to take his pictures a couple different times. He was being difficult. Plus I normally have another mom their helping wrangle their kids and this time it was mine. Scott tried helped. But he gets frustrated that I take too long so it makes me more flustered than anything. Buut, I am a determined cookie so I kept going. I always keep going until I get what I want. I seriously think I ended up narrowing down to like 50 which is OUT OF CONTROL. So I tried to do some collages to spare you some scrolling but there is still just way to many. Feel free to stop whenever you’d like. carter-1171

I put on this outfit because it’s what Grayson wore in his nine month pictures (you can see the difference in the boys if you want, here) What do you think? They seem like two way different babies to me but you tell me.carter-1221 carter-1234

The picture on the right is his excited squeal. The one and only I got during that mini session.


Then it only got better after his nap and milk. Second one down on the right, his little lips and nose (heart eyes). The first horizontal on the left, I can’t figure out if that is him getting mad or trying to be Hulk. He squeezes whatever he’s holding and makes that face, I am just so glad I was able to get it. I love every single one of these.


This is him waving “hi” and he has another specific wave for “bye-bye”. The cutest.carter-1378

All of these next ones are day two, he was definitely a happier camper this day. These first two are probably my favorites of all of his pictures this time, truly shows his personality. So so happy, and funny with the little scrunchy nose. I forget if this was Scott or Grayson, but someone was making him smile so big.carter-1474-2carter-1432-2

Ahhh nine months. My heart could burst. I put this quote on my Instagram for him and it is so true. “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” – Lee Christopher

He makes life so much better.



Hannah :: six months


There is only one thing better than a six month old coming in, a sweet little shy six month old. Add in the blue eyes and goodness gracious, I couldn’t ask for more. I have been to church with Stephanie for years now and we’ve talked before about having me do some photos of their kids and it just hadn’t happened yet. Until now, baby number four and I sure did get lucky. Nothing but precious smiles coming from Hannah.jacobson-0229 jacobson-0237

Saving my favorite for last because, just look at that face. jacobson-0256

Thank you for letting me take these pictures, and for blessing me with great conversation.
