Lina Putterman :: newborn

This session.. was the best. I’m not sure Lina even made a peep the entire time. I photographed her big brother a few years ago so I was so excited when they’re momma emailed me again with the news of a baby girl! She did make Anna wait, but she told me herself that she was surely worth it.

Also introducing big brother Liam.

I mean, even the dog did exactly what he was supposed to.

Thank you for choosing me Putterman family, keep on having beautiful babies please!

Promo Video

I am absolutely more comfortable behind the camera rather than in front of it. When it is my turn I feel awkward, and silly and see all eight of my chins. However, I do feel that a huge part of social media is connecting with people. Allowing them to see you for who you are, chins and all. So I asked my videographer aka Heather Steele to record my session with  Lauren and her family.

Watching this makes me even more excited about this stage of photography that I am in and I can’t wait to meet new families and make new friends!

Mueller Family

Prepare yourself for an overload of blonde cuteness. Meet the Mueller’s. I’ve known Lauren for hmmm almost four years now and the value she’s added my life is countless. She knows so much about so much, she’s for sure the “google” in my life and Dennis.. well he tells stories like the best of them. In the past year our families have spent even more time together and we all love it. So when Lauren and I decided to work together on the family session plus a fun photography promo video (coming soon) I was super excited! I definitely had a hard time narrowing so you might be scrolling for a little bit.

Do yourself a favor and pay attention to little Remy in the bottom right photo, ummm not impressed.

I love you Mueller family, I’m so blessed to know you all.

Olivia Wagoner :: 3 years

Two. How does two years go so fast. Actually I think all toddler years go in warp speed, it’s not really fair. This little lady turned two in June and they live out of state right now but I was excited when Lauren reached out to do a session while they were here visiting family.

I kind of think all girls have a sassy side (not me of course) but I mean look at that little smirk in the first photo. SASS. It didn’t take long to get her to warm up to me though, she is so sweet.

Lauren + Kellen jumped in too, look at that family!

I especially love this sequence.

Her hand on daddy is my favorite.

I want to say that this last set is my favorite, but really that wouldn’t be fair to all of the rest. I adored this entire session. (Please note the end photo and the lollipop in Kellen’s hand #endofsessionbribery) I hope you don’t have to bribe Lauren for a kiss too.



Ahh you guys, you are blessed. I know that things haven’t been easy, but you fought. You fought for love and worked hard to get where you are and the Lord has given your family this sweet gift. So so happy for you. xoxo j.

Ellie Baker :: 6 months

Let me just introduce to you one of the prettiest baby girls you’ll lay your eyes on. She’s got the sweetest personality to go along with that face too, and those eyes… goodness gracious and when I think of all that this baby girl symbolizes, I could cry tears of joy. Redemption, and God’s grace. True beauty from the ashes. I love that I get to see front row this family growing and all Jesus has done in their lives. I’m so thankful for them in our life and Carter just adores Ellie’s big brother. There were so many good ones from our time together so I had to narrow down to just my favorites, but I love every single one of these.


Two words: baby toes and eye lashes. Okay that was five words but I’m obsessed.

Ellie Rose, you are so loved.

Isaiah Allen :: 3 years

I’m going to start right away with my favorites from the day we took Isaiah’s three year pictures! I feel like Isaiah is a quiet version of wild. Which makes sense considering who his parents are, Andy the quiet one and Sam.. well she’s a little wild I would say. Which makes Isaiah a mix of the two and I love it! He was curious, and playful and just loved running around. My favorite types for toddler sessions like this.

If you’ve followed along for any amount of time I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about my friend Sam and all the magic she pulls out of her hat on the daily. She turns photographs into watercolor portraits (you can check out her etsy shop if you want) But she took this photo of Isaiah and Pooh and turned it into a beautiful painting.

Adding momma to the pictures is always a good idea.

Happy year three Isaiah! Looking forward to more swimming and snack dates with you this summer!

Tide pools 2019

We visited the tide pools last years with our friends and I’m almost positive Grayson didn’t stop talking about it for pretty much the entire year. It’s just the type of thing he loves to do, and we knew that it was for sure going on our Summer List again this year. This time Carter enjoyed it much more too, goodness I love having boys! I’m kind of obsessed with the video thing since I made Scott’s father’s day video so I made a quick video of our time at the beach yesterday. (ps. I’m bummed because I had the video all done and then uploaded it YouTube and they wouldn’t post it because of copyright, so boo to people who don’t want their songs played with fun videos like this!)

Have you been to the tide pools before? Where do you go? This was Crystal Cove but I’d love to know of other spots that are good. Leave them in the comments if you have one!!

Father’s Day 2019

I am for sure the picture taker, memory capturer of the family. But Scott is 1000% the fun one. Even after a 10 hour work day he still manages to come home and play baseball, or rough house with the boys. They play, while I record. Before we had kids I thought I could imagine how Scott would be as a dad, but he far surpassed anything I ever dreamed he would be. I am just so thankful for him in our lives.

I follow Tara Thueson on Instagram and she posted a video she had made for her husband last year, and this year reminded us about it and the app that could be used along with some instructions. I’ve made videos before and they are time consuming, but always worth it. This one though, is by far a favorite of mine. I loved asking the boys these questions, and loved even more hearing their answers. I feel a custom video obsession coming, I will need them of my all my events and vacations, everything!

Like I said, obsessed. While I was doing this I was also thinking this would be such a cool service to provide as an extra for my clients! So if this is something you’re interested in, contact me and we can talk. I think it would be great for any holiday, not just Father’s Day. Even a birthday gift! It is definitely something Scott will treasure forever, and so will I.

Grayson :: 7 years & Carter :: 3 years

I am not even sure where to start. SEVEN and THREE. How do you get here? I wish I could say that I haven’t taken the days for granted, that I haven’t gotten mad at them or had to discipline them. I can’t say that but I can say that every day of their lives, I’ve loved them with my whole heart. They are both funny, both obedient (mostly), both obsessed with their daddy. Grayson is responsible, and thoughtful, caring and has such a good heart. Carter is wild, and affectionate, sweet and talks to everyone. I know I’ve said this before, but what I want most is for them to be a joy to the people they are with. I hope if you know them, they are a joy to you.

Last Monday caught me by surprise, it was our first day of summer vacation and happened to also be the day I quit my job. Most of you know I’m sure, that I worked from home part time doing payroll and some bookkeeping. For a while now, I’ve prayed (and debated with myself) if it was still right for me. Monday it was clear that it wasn’t. Needless to say, it was an emotional day. Plus Grayson wanted to shave his head for the summer and before any more days went on I picked out some outfits and we headed out the door to grab some pictures before he was bald! The big brother is at the age where he does not want to smile for anything (can you believe that he didn’t even find ME funny? WHAT?) But it is who he is right now and I’m okay with it. He’s handsome to me no matter what.

What is he telling him right here? I can only imagine.

They have their naughty moments that’s for sure, but I love their relationship and pray it grows into something unbreakable.