
I’ve known since the very beginning that Grayson was going to be a funny kid. (at least funny to me anyway) so I thought I would start writing out some of the things he comes up with, maybe someone else might get a chuckle too. We’ll call them Graysonisms.

Grayson: Pointing to a bicycle with a basked on the front, “Look mommy, she has a wire on her bike like yours. You guys can put a puppy in there.”

Playing pretend. Grayson: I’m going to the store.”
My mom: “What store are you going to?”
Grayson: “Michael’s, I need to buy some letters.”
Oh man, poor kid has been on one too many errands with me.

Grayson: “Mommy there’s some bad news in the other room, come on I’ll show you.”

Me to Carter: “What are you thinking about little boy?”
Grayson: “He’s probably thinking about milk.”

I was driving with the boys and I glanced back at Grayson and he had a smile on face, I asked him what he was thinking about. He said, “I’m just thinking about Uncle Ryan, I just want to play with him.”

691A4752 691A4735 Well this would have been a cute one but..691A4745

And speaking of blurry.. I have had my Canon 5D for over a year (maybe more) and have never even touched the video feature until today, and I did horrible. But I still wanted to make put these all together because despite how blurry it is, you can still see how big his smile is. Now I might be addicted, so you will more than likely see more of these little videos.. and more than likely they will have this same song because it’s my absolute favorite! I know I could have muted the actual video but I just love his little voice.

5 Things to do before your newborn comes

When you have a newborn, you tend to have a lot of quiet time (middle of the night feedings) to think. Well, you’re either thinking or trying your hardest not to nod off in the rocking chair. One night my mind wouldn’t turn off, even when I was back in bed and I thought about five things I suggest you do before your newborn comes.

1. On a quiet afternoon sit in your rocking chair, and go around and open and close all of your doors to see what makes any type of ridiculous squeaky noises. I know ideally you want your baby to sleep through any type of noises but man, that stupid squeak as you leave the room. Or rocking them back to sleep after your 1am feeding, that noise is enough to drive a momma wild. (Currently my chair has a squeak but I always forget during the day to grease that baby up!)

2. If there is an older sibling, stock up on a few new activities for them to do. For the first month at least you spend A LOT of time cooped up in the house. You all go a little stir-crazy, especially the toddler so the more things he can do around the house the better.

3. Something everybody tells you at the very end of your pregnancy is, “get as much as sleep as you can now!” So annoying because you could get all the sleep you want and have a 25 hour labor and you are no longer rested. But what I will tell you, just enjoy and appreciate the sleep you are getting.

4. If you’re having a winter baby, buy baby socks. It’s not something people typically buy you but you do need them if it’s cold in the house.

5. If money allows you, buy some new pajama bottoms. You spend a lot of time in them, and don’t always get to shower as often as you’re used to. Having something that is new, even as simple as pj’s or yoga pants makes you feel good. Plus you’ll most likely have some visitors, and if you don’t feel like putting on “real clothes” for your guests.beforeanewborn

Carter :: Monthly Achievements

How in the world is my boy already two months old?! The last eight weeks feel like a blur. I made the mistake of only taking a two week maternity leave (so dumb right?) I am working from home so I thought it would be no big deal, boy was I wrong! It’s much harder to work from home, but it is a sacrifice I’m willing to make to be able to stay home with my loves. But enough about me, let’s chat for a quick minute about my sweet Carter. I thought Grayson was a good newborn, Carter has such a sweet temperament he’s giving Grayson a run for his money. So far, the only time he cries if he’s tired and of course hungry.. or he doesn’t want to nap of course. He is so smiley, and looks right into your eyes when you say his name. Loves to make those baby sounds and kick those feet everywhere. If this is any indication on what type of boy he will be, this momma is very happy.two monthsHere are a few more that I just had to share..carter1

Since I missed a post for his one month I will just add his picture here, he already looks so different! carter2Seeing these pictures on here tells me I definitely need to start taking these with my big camera, the phone quality/color is pretty bad. Thanks for reading!